Can someone please introduce Madonna to Meryl Streep or Susan Sarandon or any gorgeous woman over 50 who is not trying to be 20-something?
Her new ads for D&G sunglasses just seem like she's trying too hard. We LOVE you Madonna. And we know how old you are.
AND we know that you have 4 children. Give it a rest.
Eh. I never know if Madonna still thinks she’s shocking us? Pale skin, vampire red lips, platinum white-blonde hair, crucifix, black dress, rinse and repeat over and over. When I saw these photos it drove the “been there, done that” vibe even further. There’s a weird chant of “Madonna” that seems to be coming from far away, as we see extreme close-ups of Madge’s parts. It just seems tired.
You're the queen of reinvention, try reinventing yourself as a magnificent older woman who embraces her age?